The first phase is project design of the product. TRATOS CAVI SPA upon request from customer can develop this phase according to the Standards ISO 9001. At the end of this phase the following documents will be prepared:

- Technical specification
- Work plan
- Construction and Control Plan
- Intermediate control documents
- Evaluation of the timing

Subsequently a sample is produced where verification to the correspondence to the customer's technical specification is effected. If the conformity to the specification is obtained, the documentation of the sample produced is authorized, otherwise, the needed modifications are effected and the procedure is repeated until the required result is obtained.

The next phase is the actual production of the cable for which TRATOS CAVI has obtained qualification according to the Standard ISO 9002.

The production phase is done in accordance to the documentation established during the designing phase, in particular each phase of production is associated with a work plan which indicates its execution.

To each single product is assigned a control document which is progressively compiled by the assigned personnel. These operators are qualified by the Quality Assurance System established by TRATOS CAVI SPA and may at any moment of production, exclude the product from the production flow. If all the tests are passed the product is ready to undergo the final testing which is finalized in "end of production report".

The factory testing procedure is described in the CONSTRUCTION AND CONTROL PLAN (CCP). In the CCP are described and coded all the phases of process and frequency of controls. The results of the controls are recorded in the INTERMEDIATE CONTROL DOCUMENT which follows each cable up to the FINAL TEST DOCUMENT where all results are recorded.